Aga is a cosmetologist with 25 year of experience in skin rejuvenation. She was leading a lot of different Spas in Europe  including Hilton  Spa in Warsaw. She gained her bespoke experience working with high end beauty trademarks.  Currently  she is  specialist in medical peels, microneedling and innovative face massages technics.  She has got vast knowledge and experience  in creating personalised, advanced treatments , specially dedicated to different skin types.  Her passion is exploring technics  of biorevitalization and biostimulation. Her priority is to carry   safe and hygienic treatment and her goal is to keep  high standards of  customer care as well  how she says “ discrete and elegant results”.

Privately she is a mother of two. She loves yoga and she practices it in local yoga club. Aga is a creator of her own cosmetic brand.